
Monitoring includes regular data collection and reporting activities on legislative processes, practices and policies to identify and improve existing human rights conditions in a particular region or country. Monitoring activities are important due to the necessity of gathering information in order to determine the conformity of human rights’ standards with the responsible institutions and actors, especially the states.

Monitoring activities are important, since collection of information is essential for ascertaining the compliance of responsible institutions and actors including states, with human rights standards. Data collected through monitoring, mainly by documentation and reporting, is classified, verified and recorded in a manner which is convenient for both access and dissemination for the wider public. In the meantime, collaboration with rights holders, activists and civil society is ensured.

AMER strives to contribute to publicising human rights violations, through monitoring activities, focusing on trial monitoring, election monitoring and reporting for the identification and improvement of current human rights conditions as well as procuring policies and regulations for this purpose.


Advocacy comprises of a variety of activities for influencing decision-making mechanisms within the public policy making processes. The involvement of civil society organisations which have a human rights based approach and their impact on the process itself, are crucial for a democratic society. In this context, we carry  out strategic litigation, campaign work, lobbying, preparing shadow reports and protection of human rights defenders. Implementation of the principles of prohibition of discrimination and equality, is only possible through detailed legislation which covers the indicators and types of different types of discrimination and exclusion as well as acceptance of such principles. 

AMER carries out advocacy activities within the framework of the principle of non-discrimination and equality in order to influence decision-making processes regarding human rights policies.


Support activities include the provision of legal, practical and financial support for 

improving the effectiveness of various individuals and/or groups who have been subject to rights violations as well as strengthening civil society organizations.

Provision of legal aid for individuals and/or groups who have been subject to discrimination, establishing a legal aid hotline for access to justice for persons with disabilities, strengthening relevant stakeholders through training activities and preparing guidelines, carrying out capacity development activities in collaboration with a variety of civil society organisations and sub-grant programmes are among the support activities conducted by AMER.

AMER provides legal, practical and financial support through its various projects for protection and empowerment of rights-holders.